Friday 13 November 2009

Contents page

When I started to design my contents page, I wanted something that kept in theme with the school and front cover, however I didn't want anything boring or obvious.

I decided to use one of the original photos I took for my front cover.
I cut out a part of the photo which I felt would be best suited for my contents page. I selected the main building as it included students,building and a bit of vegetation from the tree.

This was the image I cut, however in order for the text to stand out against it, I used photoshop to distort and fade some of the background.

This is then what I created:

Once I had the background sorted, I started to consider different font types and styles. The main two I considered were these:

However, once I experimented them on the background, I found they were not bold enough and sank into the background too much. I further experimented with more different fonts.

When I had decided on all the content and extra previews of the articles ,I put all the different elements together. I chose this font because I feel it stands out but still fits in with the school theme. I edited it in a way which makes it more sketchy and connected to the front cover.This is the final contents page:

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