Wednesday 11 November 2009

My school magazine survey

Once I had decided on the target audience of my magazine, I made an online survey which I could ask a wide variety of questions, in which the answers would help me pursue with making my front cover. I came up with many different types of questions however I then picked the best 7 to be used in my survey. I thought about the type of questions I could use e.g. open or closed and how they would effect my results.
This is a link to my final survey which i sent to my friends and participants suitable:

When I had all the results back I analyzed them closely with the help of the online survey website.

It shocked me to find out, that 100% of the participants don't read their school magazine, I thought a high percentage wouldn't but not that high. When reading the few results why I found that for my own, personal school magazine it is important to really aim it at my target audience of sixth form students, otherwise they just won't read it.

This result was very useful to me. It shows me that I need to include information about school and outside of school. However I must try an connect with the students and talk about topics which would interest them. I learnt that the main articles of my magazine should be based on the school and its surroundings however it is necessary to include articles about outside school life.

This was a very simple question which I also hoped would get more personal responses, nevertheless the few I got were useful as I now know i must include small articles involving sports for example.I can see from the closed responses that puzzles and "games" do not interest sixth form students which allows me not to waste much space on that kind of page. However the high percentage of results wanting reviews shows me how media orientated this target audience is and how important being up to date on all the latest things is to them.

This question is not very important to my designing of the front cover or contents page and I will not be making many issues, however it does show me that if something interests students they will read it quickly and look forward to the next.

This result helped me design the page size of my front cover of a school magazine, nevertheless it did not help me with designing the content.

Overall, completing and analyzing this survey has helped me gather the type of content sixth form students want to read in school magazine andwhat is not worth putting in.

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