Thursday 15 October 2009

Deciding on the name

Whilst creating my front cover, I needed to decide on a suitable name for my magazine. I wanted something that related to the school name whilst at the same time being something original and slightly different. I came up with "Forti6th form" and "fortismere mag". I recognise that the second name is very unoriginal and dull however I am not sure about the first name as it limits the readers to just sixth formers and their parents.
Although i am very happy with my image and think it portrays a very happy school in which publicises it well, i feel that i should consider a more upbeat image which may be aimed at the students more than parents. To do this i will experiment with close-up images and a range of different background styles.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good Camilla

    Please post your questionnaire and your latest magazine cover updates (any close up photos yet?) and analysis by tomorrow's lesson.
