Thursday 15 October 2009

Deciding on the name

Whilst creating my front cover, I needed to decide on a suitable name for my magazine. I wanted something that related to the school name whilst at the same time being something original and slightly different. I came up with "Forti6th form" and "fortismere mag". I recognise that the second name is very unoriginal and dull however I am not sure about the first name as it limits the readers to just sixth formers and their parents.
Although i am very happy with my image and think it portrays a very happy school in which publicises it well, i feel that i should consider a more upbeat image which may be aimed at the students more than parents. To do this i will experiment with close-up images and a range of different background styles.

Monday 12 October 2009

Starting to research into school magazines

Before starting to make or plan my school magazine we researched into different types of school magazine front covers. We looked at different genres such as relaxed and more formal e.g. mainly for parents

Once I had researched into the different styles of magazines I decided to start taking pictures for my own front cover. I took many different ones each with a different message and image.

When I looked at them all together I finally chose my front cover image that I would start experimenting with. The basic picture with no editing look like the image above. Once we had all chosen our final image we started to play around with Photoshop and got taught cheats and good tools to use. I already felt pretty confident using Photoshop so I started editing my photo quickly. I decided to lighten the background the photo and cut out some ugly feature e.g. black cable on the brick.